
BSA primary school gets new reading kiosk on 15th Anniversary

Pupils, teachers and other staff members of Baie Ste Anne primary school had all the reasons to be extra happy on Children’s Day because they also celebrated the school’s 15th Anniversary and the opening of a new reading kiosk in the school’s garden.

The guest of honour for this auspicious occasion was the Minister for Education, Dr Justin Valentin, who officially opened the reading kiosk.

Other key education officials namely the principal secretary for educational services Merna Eulentin, members of the school’s council, parent teacher association, parents, representatives of sponsors also graced the ceremony with their presence.

‘The Little Reader’s Web’ is the name of the kiosk based on its octagonal shape as well as hopes that once pupils start to read, they emerge in the stories and get carried away – as if stuck in a spider’s web.

Fabio Fred was the winner of the ‘Name the Reading Kiosk Competition’ which the school launched earlier this year. Altogether 12 pupils took part in the competition.

The kiosk, which will provide a relaxing spot for reading and other related activities during the pupils’ free time, is an initiative of the school to encourage reading and general learning among pupils even when they are outside the classroom.

Minister Valentin officially opened the kiosk, Peter Pomeroy of Pomeroy & Co (Pty) Ltd ? the sponsor – and PS Eulentin unveiled the commemorative plaque while head teacher Monique Lesperance unveiled the kiosk’s name.

Addressing everyone gathered for the occasion, Minister Valentin thanked all stakeholders for their support throughout the past 15 years and praised the initiative of the reading kiosk which he described as a good example for other schools.

“In the community, there are many powers that help the ministry to attain its objectives in helping the Seychellois children develop their potential. I would like to thank you all and encourage you to keep it up.”

Minister Valentin expressed his wishes that parents join the pupils at the kiosk for reading activities. This is especially in line with this year’s theme for Children’s Day which is ‘Mon Fanmir, Mon Leker’.

He also called on pupils to make good use of the reading facilities available.

“Open air reading is good for sharing of experiences and knowledge, so seize the opportunity.”

On her part, Ms Lesperance shared that it was always the school council’s dream to have a reading corner in the garden and they are overjoyed that it has been realised.

“Reading is the breath of the soul and it instils in children a curiosity for the world around them. The joy of reading must be instilled in children from a very young age as it plays a vital role in their development, both intellectually and psychologically,” said Ms Lesperance.

“I believe that if we want to give our children the best possible chances in life, open doors of opportunity while they are young and teach them the skills which they will need to succeed in life. One of our greatest responsibilities as citizens, educators and parents is to ensure that every child can read, and read well,” she pointed out.

Ms Lesperance also thanked all partners for their continuous support.

“We believe in fostering a strong partnership with all stakeholders in order to enhance the quality of education. Let us be reminded that it takes a village to raise a child.”

Edwige Joubert, the school’s librarian, was also honoured on the day, for her 43 years of service and dedication towards the school’s library. To note that she is among five librarians who have been recognised nationally for their long service and dedication.

The ceremony continued with the presentation of donations from various stakeholders; Robert Payet of hotel Le Duc presented books, Raffles Hotel some whiteboards, H Savy Insurance a Smart TV, Sacos Insurance gardening tools.

Other stakeholders were thanked for their generous contribution towards the construction, landscaping and beautification of the reading kiosk – Peter Pomeroy, Kenny Roberts, Maureen Brioche (Nouvobanq), Kenneth Mathiot, Mike Moosa, Hedley Françoise and the Landscape and Waste Management Agency (LWMA).

For the occasion, the school community also remembered pupils who unfortunately cannot celebrate this day, especially past pupils who are no longer in this life.

A remembrance stone bearing the names of five pupils has been put up and this was unveiled by the school council chairperson Agnes Quatre and two relatives of the former pupils.

This was followed by the school choir’s interpretation of the song ‘On the wings of a Dove’ and the symbolic release of a white dove – a very symbolic and emotional note on which ended the ceremony.

The accompanying photos show some highlights of the ceremony.

Source: Seychelles Nation