
BRAVO restaurant celebrates 13th birthday

One lucky client to receive R13,000 worth meal voucher

Opened 13 years ago on Eden Island, BRAVO restaurant is still holding strong. Who remembers the time when Seychellois were hesitant to go to Eden Island?

It was during that time that Brett Saunders, owner/director from South Africa decided to open the BRAVO restaurant welcoming Seychellois. Today, the restaurant is a place reckoned by Seychellois and tourists alike.

Currently, the restaurant employs 61 staff with 80% being Seychellois.

“We are happy to celebrate our 13th birthday in these beautiful and exotic islands. 13 years is a long time especially nowadays with the economic landscape. It has been an adventure and our success is thanks to our staff. We have eight staff who have been with us from the beginning and 10 of them have clocked 10 years or more. They have really helped BRAVO on this incredible journey,” shared Mr Saunders.

He further added that during all these years, BRAVO has been doing activities/projects to give back to the community. “We always try to look after the staff, the children and the most vulnerable in society. The core values of BRAVO are to serve our customers quality food in a nice environment and keeping things simple. We also try to be inventive.”

A few years ago, BRAVO added a sushi bar and they sent a Seychellois chef for training. Training is also a big part of BRAVO.

To celebrate its 13th birthday, every customer who dines in the restaurant from February 13-28 will write their name and their phone number behind the receipt and place it in a box. On March 1, a draw will take place and the lucky one will receive meal vouchers equivalent to R13,000 at BRAVO.

Another addition for the birthday celebration will be the cow boy steak for R695 as it will be the biggest steak served. For 2023 more projects are in the pipeline.

Daniel Simeon, manager at BRAVO, shared that the company has become famous over the years for its social responsibility.

“We have been treating children in different orphanages. Before the pandemic we sponsored some sports events and the major one was the last Indian Ocean Islands Games. BRAVO offers a large selection of food, from fish dishes, meat, salad, burgers made of meat or fish, a large selection of sushi, juices and drinks. We are trying to offer a different dining experience and always try to bring something new to our clients,” said Mr Simeon.

During the pandemic, the restaurant was able to offer take-aways and afterwards open day time.

For 13 years, the management is trying its best to keep the consistency in its menus. “We have been buying the same products for many years and a lot of thoughts go into the menus. Our work schedule is good and we try to create a fun environment. Daniel and I talk about this every day, how to retain our workers and recruit new ones. Training is being conducted for each staff on how to interact with clients so that reigns a cozy environment,” added Mr Saunders.

A South African, Mr Saunders shared that he is lucky ‘Seychelles chose him’ and he hopes to keep serving the local and international clients.

Both Mr Saunders and Mr Simeon have thanked their customers for their loyalty.

Source: Seychelles Nation