
Bible Week celebration starts Feb.3

The 2024 Bible Week Celebration is set to kick off from February 3-11 in Accra.

It will be on the theme: ‘The Bible: Guide for Peace, Unity and Development’.

The celebration is to make Ghanaians embrace the Bible as a guide for Peace, Unity, and Development as the country warms up for the General Election in December.

‘From February 3rd to 11th, 2024, Ghana will be immersed in a week-long celebration of the Bible’s enduring power to illuminate peace, unity, and development.

‘The Bible Society of Ghana (BSG) is proud to present Bible Week 2024, a vibrant celebration inviting Christians in Ghanaians of all denominations to explore the transformative power of the Bible as we prepare for our Presidential and Parliamentary Elections this year, ‘ a statement by the Bible Society of Ghana, said.

Another purpose for the celebration is for Ghanaians to individually embrace the Bible’s teachings on living at peace with one another in an election year.

Some planned activities are Bible reading marathon, Bible qui
z, choreo-poetry, talks, symposiums and Bible studies.

There would also be drama, debate, movie nights and Bible walk for the youth.

The statement indicated that there would be worship experience and prayer time for the nation.

The Bible Society of Ghana is a non-denominational and an interconfessional Christian organisation, which was formed in 1965 by the Churches in Ghana with the British and Foreign Bible Societies of the United Kingdom.

It operates with voluntary membership that commit to support financially the Bible ministry and sometimes volunteer to serve on committees or councils.

The Bible Society of Ghana is a member of the United Bible Societies (UBS), Which operates in over 200 countries.

Source: Ghana News Agency