
Bechem Government Hospital records low deliveries during yuletide

The Bechem Government Hospital in the Tano South Municipality of the Ahafo Region recorded low deliveries during the yuletide as only four babies were born between December 24-29, 2023.

The four babies, two males and two females

The youngest mother, 20-year-old Ms. Gladys Adu, unemployed, delivered a bouncing baby boy who weighed 3.5 kilogrammes at birth on the Boxing Day, December 26 at 1243 hours, Madam Vida Ompong, Nursing Manager of the Hospital told the Ghana News Agency in an interview on Monday.

She added Madam Memunatu Issah, aged 43 and the oldest mother delivered a baby girl weighing 2.9 kilogramme at birth at 1039 hours through caesarian session on Friday, December 29, 2023.

The other two births were Spontaneous Vaginal Deliveries (SVD), she said and urged pregnant mothers to regularly attend ante-natal clinics to avoid complications during labour and also to guarantee healthy babies and mothers.

Madam Ompong advised parents to take proper care of their children, especially properly clothing
and dieting them during this dry season against contraction of preventable diseases because ‘Ghana needs all its citizens alive and healthy for national development.’

Source: Ghana News Agency