
Assembly to resume sitting next week

The National Assembly announced yesterday that it will resume sitting next week as its

staff together with outside expertise continue to undertake a comprehensive assessment of the situation relating to the fungus infestation which was reported on Monday June 6.

The situation necessitates immediate and thorough action to prevent any further degradation of the work environment and increase of the health risks to personnel.

Inspection of the area of the media room where the infestation was reported in the ceiling panels has been expanded and it has been found that other connected areas have also been affected.

The decision has been taken to proceed immediately with available treatment, in the expectation that the problem will be resolved.

The work will involve accessing certain ceiling areas for cleaning and treatment.

“We regret that this necessitates the suspension of Assembly sittings for Wednesday June 8 but should be completed in time for sittings to resume next week, on Tuesday June 14,” says a press release from the National Assembly secretariat.

“The National Assembly is appreciative of the advice and assistance provided by the SBC in connection with the situation, especially to consider the option of alternative means of managing the live broadcasts. The assessment of yesterday has concluded that attendance in the media control room would still be necessary and that other filming options would not be a solution. Still, our memorandum of understanding with SBC which covers such advice and assistance has been shown to be of value,” added the press release.

In the meantime, parliamentary staff of the media operations unit have not reported any further adverse conditions but have been referred for health examination.

The National Assembly regrets the interruption of its proceedings and any inconvenience caused to the public who follow its work attentively.

We look forward to resuming our schedule and thank everyone for their understanding.

Source: Seychelles Nation