
ASP rewards 37 employees for their 10 years with the agency

To celebrate its 10th anniversary, the Agency for Social Protection (ASP) has rewarded 37 employees who have worked with the agency for the last ten years. The commemorative activity was held at the ICCS auditorium yesterday afternoon in the presence of Designated Minister Jean-Francois Ferrari, the Minister for Employment and Social Affairs Patricia Francourt and the chairman of the ASP board Georges Tirant.

The chief executive of ASP, Brenda Morin, thanked all the staff of the agency for all these years and asked them to inspire others.

“The nature of our work makes us witness different scenarios everyday and that does not mean that we cannot progress as an agency. There are many positive changes coming our way and today I am proud to say that we have a prominent future where our clients will notice the change in our operation. Today I will urge you to keep the good practice and reflect on our weaknesses. Our logo should be our motivator and we should understand our role vis-à-vis our clients. I thank you all for your hard work and also different government departments who work with us,” noted Ms Morin.

Designated Minister Ferrari stated that it is with pride that on behalf of the President of the Republic, he was invited to commend and thank the staff for their hard work and devotion.

“Seychelles recognises your important service to our nation and especially to our citizens most in need. The 10th anniversary of the ASP is a timely occasion to reaffirm the agency’s vision, to refresh our focus and streamline our programmes in anticipation of evolving needs, and to rejuvenate our brand so as to bring energy, a real sense of purpose and care back to our society.”

Designated Minister Ferrari also said that under the new management ASP has the duty to uphold justice, order and efficiency.

“The agency has to make sure that help is given to whoever is in need and we cannot just take a piece of paper from the MNA or DA to access facilities. ASP helps others with public tax money and we need to be very careful on how we use it as we need to be accountable. For our President and for us ministers, ASP is an agency for all the children of Seychelles. Your mission at ASP is also to change the mentality of the population and we assure you that ASP is here to assist and help those in need.”

While addressing the long-serving staff, Minister Francourt commended them for their patience.

“You are doing a noble work as you deal with social cases and it is not an easy job. What makes me happy is that you all keep doing it with passion and love. As the Minister for Employment, I am happy to see so many of you joining the social services. I can guarantee you that the agency will continue to transform and become an example for other agencies and departments. My wish is that you keep showing compassion to others.”

ASP currently employs 78 staff out of whom 14 are on Praslin. The 37 staff who have clocked their 10 years are: Arota Anacoura, Juliana Augustin, Eva Bamboche, Janette Barbe, Natasha Barra, Melina Bijoux, Edna Bonte, Letimie Caprisieuse, Debbie Celtel, Aleca David, Brigitte Descombes, Jill Dogley, Estelle Edmond, Marlene Folette, Shirley Françoise, Zita Françoise, Shamyrah Francourt, Sylvie Fred, Chantale Frederic, Medline Freminot, Sheila Lalande, Marie-Eve Larue, Rosaline Larue, Suzy Louise, Marie-Nella Magnan, Marie-Ange Marrianne, Sarah Marie, Davis Mathiot, Cindy Mousbe, Claudette Nolin, Jeniffer Nourrice, Francis Rapide, Rachel Sophie, Jourdan Soubana, Marie-France Souris, Anne-Marie Tirant and Marie-Joseph Thomas.

During the ceremony the staff were entertained with performances from the National Choir followed by a youth band.

Source: Seychelles Nation