
Ammonia leak accident on board Spanish fishing vessel

The Minister for Internal Affairs, Errol Fonseka, paid a visit to the Seychelles Fire and Rescue Services Agency (SFRSA) headquarters on Saturday afternoon to meet with the team which responded to the ammonia leak accident aboard the Spanish fishing vessel Albacora Cuatro which resulted in the death of two of its crew members on Wednesday June 15.

The minister congratulated the team on their prompt response and professionalism during the operation.

The SFRSA team comprised 30 officers who worked over two days.

Minister Fonseka thanked them for their bravery and commitment in saving lives as well as their excellent work in making the vessel safe to prevent further loss of lives.

When addressing the officers, Minister Fonseka stated that, “the dangers are not always visible but it is present and you always have to be well equipped and mentally prepared to face it. We all salute you for your incredible work and devotion”.

During his visit, the minister also highlighted the importance of training in handling hazardous chemicals and pledged his continued support for the SFRSA.

Source: Seychelles Nation