
Ambassador Conrad Mederic accredited to the AU and Uneca

Ambassador Conrad Mederic is the new Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Seychelles to the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia after he presented his letter of credence to Vera Songwe, the United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (Uneca).

Ambassador Mederic also submitted his credentials as the African Union (AU) Permanent Representative of the Republic of Seychelles to H.E. Moussa Faki MAHAMAT, chairperson of the African Union Commission (AUC) on May 20, 2022.

During his audience with the Executive Secretary of ECA, Ambassador Mederic got the opportunity to be briefed on the various projects that the ECA undertook with Seychelles in spheres such as sustainable solid waste management, Blue Economy as well as environment and Climate Change.

ECA has also assisted Seychelles in human capacity building and is working on a project on tourism UN city in Seychelles.

The ambassador was also made aware of the United Nations Country Team (UNCT) retreat which was held in Seychelles in the third week of May.

Ms Songwe renewed ECA’s support to Seychelles in both technical and capacity building.

While conveying his gratitude to ECA for the various fruitful engagements with Seychelles, Ambassador Mederic also confirmed his desire to expand cooperation in mutually agreed areas of importance.

On May 20, 2022, Ambassador Mederic was received by the chairperson of the AUC, where he pledged his support in enhancing relations between Seychelles and the AU.

In his discussions, the ambassador reassured the chairperson of the Seychelles government’s commitment in upholding the ideals of the founding fathers of the OAU and the AU for the continent to promote unity, solidarity, cohesion and cooperation among the peoples of Africa and African States.

Similarly, Ambassador Mederic agreed to persevere in working together with the Commissioners of the various AUC departments to push for the establishment of more tangible collaboration in key sectors such as health, fisheries, tourism, education as well as science and technology.

On his part, the chairperson commended Seychelles for the fundamental role played in pushing forth Africa’s Blue Economy Agenda.

He also mentioned the excellent work done by Seychelles in various Permanent Representative Sub-Committees in particular within the Sub-Committees on Structural Reform and Audit Matters.

On this subject, the ambassador indicated that in his quest to guaranteeing that Seychelles carries this mandate for the betterment of the African continent, he will continue to work with his Capital in ensuring that Seychelles plays a pivotal role in the implementation of Africa’s Blue Economy Continental Strategy.

Reacting on the issue of environment and climate change, Ambassador Mederic expressed gratitude to the AUC for its determination in advocating for urgent and practical global, regional and national actions and enhanced ambition to combat climate change.

Ambassador Mederic also emphasised the role that Seychelles is playing as the chair of the Island Climate Commission (AISCC) and a major member of Committee of African Heads of State and Government on Climate Change (CAHOSCC).

He reiterated Seychelles’ unwavering support in the process of achieving a successful implementation of the Continental Strategy on Climate Change and equally called for assistance in providing expertise and funding to projects which will reduce the impact of climate change in our African islands’ member countries.

Both sides also underscored their deepest satisfaction that COP 27 will be held in one of the countries on the African Continent. They concurred the fact that Africa has contributed the very least towards global impact of climate change and yet it remains at the receiving end.

They agreed for AUC to show firmer undertaking in making certain that COP 27 be the best window of opportunity for Africa to ensure the realisation of strong and key actions to drive better climate models and development outcome for our beloved continent.

The ambassador also requested for collaboration in promoting maritime security in the Western Indian Ocean region.

Chairperson Moussa Faki Mahamat has expressed desire to visit Seychelles as means of identifying and enhancing partnership between Seychelles and the AU in sectors of importance for the continent.

Source: Seychelles Nation