
Alain St Ange to deliver keynote address at 2023 ITB Tourism Trade Fair in Berlin

The former Seychelles Minister for Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports and Marine, Alain St Ange, has confirmed that he will be present at this year’s ITB Tourism Trade Fair in Berlin to address a tourism industry conference and also to meet different Tourism ministers from the African Continent.

The former Seychelles minister, who now heads his own Saint Ange Tourism Consultancy Organisation, has also confirmed that he will address the topic of ‘New Initiatives for World Tourism’ at the City Cube at ITB 2023.

“In analysing new initiatives for world tourism, I intend to touch on destination preparedness. Here the cleanliness of the country, safety and security are essential ingredients for success. Also, I intend to discuss understanding the cruise ship industry and here again how ready is a destination for its cruise ship industry. It is a known fact that destinations or ports where cruise ships call will always get as much out of cruise ships as they prepare themselves for this business. A city where everything is closed cannot expect its handicraft trade to benefit from the cruise ship business. Tourism can and should benefit everyone, but the country that says it is a tourism destination must want the people to benefit as they push policies and regulations for sustainable development approach placing their people in the front line and first to benefit,” said Mr St Ange.

The former Seychelles minister also said also that Destination Africa has everything to succeed but that at the crossroad where the world tourism finds itself it is innovation, new vision, and new tools at the disposal of the Tourism marketing departments that are needed.

“Every tourism destination in the whole world is fishing from the same pond for the discerning travellers. Visibility with a new approach is the way forward,” Mr St Ange said.

Source: Seychelles Nation