
Akyode National Youth Association elects new executives

The Akyode National Youth Association has elected new executives to steer the affairs of the group for a four-year term (2023-2027).

The executives include Mr Peter Ntasah, President, Mr Godwin Mbowurah, Vice President; Mr Soklomo Lucas, Secretary; and Mr Prosper Mpeniasah, Deputy Secretary.

The rest are Mr Bayen Jonas, organizer; Mr James Gekpara, Deputy Organizer; Madam Asanyo Paulina, Women’s Organiser; and Madam Ndenke Dina, Deputy Women Organiser.

The new executives are expected to appoint a treasurer and a deputy.

Mr Ntasah, in his remarks, extended gratitude to the delegates for believing in his vision and giving him the opportunity to lead the youth for the next four years.

He thanked the outgoing executives for their contributions towards the betterment of the Association.

He pledged to continue from where his predecessors left off by empowering the youth through entrepreneurial-oriented schemes so that after school they would not depend only on the Government for jobs.

Mr Ntasah emphasised the need to give the youth skills training, especially those who may not get the opportunity to acquire formal education.

He asked the youth to stay away from all kinds of vices that may erode the peace in the municipality and deprive it of its development.

He urged them to project the Gekyode Akyode Community on the map ‘positively.’

Mr Oliver Cherewura, the outgoing President, congratulated the newly elected executives for their new positions, encouraging them to continue on the legacy bequeathed to them.

‘Even though being a leader comes with a lot of responsibilities and tolerance and with the support from the youth and leaders, we shall succeed,’ he said.

‘Gekyode Akyode can only develop if we come together as one, therefore, let’s not leave the burden on only the executives, together we come as one people towards a common goal, we will surely get there’.

Present at the ceremony were Mr Joshua Makubu, Oti Regional Minister, Mr Maxwell Quofie Blagodzi, former Oti Deputy Regional Minister, Mr Bright Kwame Lenwah, Nkwanta South Municipal Chief Executive, and representatives of the Konkoba and Ntrubo Youth associations.

Source: Ghana News Agency