
Akatsi South: Department of Agriculture embarks on activities ahead of Farmers’ Day

The Department of Agriculture within the Akatsi South Municipality has embarked on some agriculture-related activities to mark this year’s Farmers’ Day event.

This includes vetting of farmers and schools in the various communities across the Municipality.

Mr Charles Grunitzky, the Akatsi South Municipal Director of Agriculture in an engagement with the GNA, said plans were far advanced for another successful event and called on farmers and business owners wishing to exhibit and sell their products to register with the Directorate.

In the preparations, he indicated that a School Gardening Competition was run in collaboration with the Akatsi South Municipal Education Service and the Health Directorate.

He said the move, apart from inspecting the various school gardens, selected pupils and students were quizzed on general agricultural knowledge and scored accordingly.

‘The emerging winners will be awarded on Farmers’ Day Platform,’ he added.

The 39th National Farmers’ Day Celebration is on the theme ‘Deli
vering Smart Solutions for Sustainable Food Security and Resilience.’

The Akatsi South Municipality has dominance in several farming activities such as rice, maize, sweet potato, garden egg, cassava, and several others.

The Municipal event, slated for Friday, December 1, would be held at the Akatsi Senior High Technical School campus.

Source: Ghana News Agency