
4 Q & A regarding the Russia-Ukraine conflict By Chinese Ambassador Guo Wei

As the Russia-Ukraine crisis unfolds, it has been the focus of the global attention. China is also closely monitoring the development of Ukraine’s situation. Many Seychellois are trying to understand China’s position on this matter, so I want to take this opportunity to explain it in four aspects which are of greatest concern.

I. What is China’s position on the Ukraine issue?

Chinese Ambassador Guo Wei: China’s position on the Ukraine issue is consistent and clear. China always stands on the side of peace. We maintain that the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries must be respected, the purposes and principles of the UN Charter must be fully observed, the legitimate security concerns of all countries must be taken seriously, and all efforts that are conducive to the peaceful settlement of the crisis must be supported. It is imperative that the parties involved demonstrate political will and find a proper settlement in view of both immediate and long-term needs. Other parties can and should create conditions to that end. The pressing priority is to keep the dialogue and negotiation going, avoid civilian casualties, prevent a humanitarian crisis, and cease hostilities as soon as possible. The international community should encourage Russia and Ukraine to keep up the talks rather than the fighting. An enduring solution would be for major countries to respect each other, reject the Cold War mentality, refrain from bloc confrontation, and build step by step a balanced, effective and sustainable security architecture for the region and for the world.

We stand against groundless accusations and suspicions targeting China, and never accept any pressure and coercion. China is ready to work with all parties to accommodate their legitimate and reasonable concerns and strive to resolve the Russia-Ukraine conflict and restore peace in Europe at an early date.

II. Why has China abstained from voting on the resolution on Ukraine in a special emergency session of the United Nations General Assembly on March 2?

Chinese Ambassador Guo Wei: China makes a conclusion independently based on the merits of each matter. The situation in Ukraine has become what it is today for a variety of complex reasons. What is needed is a cool head and a rational mind, not adding fuel to the fire which only intensifies the situation and it should not be dealt with in a simplistic approach of “friend or foe” or “black or white”. Every country has the right to independently decide its own foreign policies. We also see that almost half African countries didn’t vote in favor of the resolution.

We always believe that security is indivisible and advocates the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security. Seeking bloc confrontation and absolute security will only lead to the most insecure scenario. Ukraine should be a bridge for communication between the East and the West, rather than the frontline for major power rivalry. The United States of America (USA) and North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (Nato) should hold dialogue with Russia, rather than start a new Cold War. We always hold that there should be no double standard in international relations. Ukraine’s sovereignty and security should be upheld, and Russia’s legitimate security concerns should also be respected. China calls on relevant parties to remain cool-headed and restrained, and to realise the long-term peace and stability in Europe and beyond.

III. What is China’s comments on the sanctions imposed on Russia by some countries and international organisations?

Chinese Ambassador Guo Wei: China always opposes the use of sanctions to solve problems, let alone unilateral sanctions that have no basis in international law, as such moves will undermine international rules and harm the people’s wellbeing in all countries.

With the need to fight Covid-19 on the one hand and protect the economy and people’s livelihood on the other, things are already very difficult for countries around the world. Sweeping and indiscriminate sanctions would only make the people suffer. If further escalated, they could trigger serious crises in global economy and trade, finance, energy, food, and industrial and supply chains, crippling the already languishing world economy and causing irrevocable losses. To make countries and people who are not a party to the conflict pay for it is unfair and unlawful. The more complex the situation, the greater the need to remain cool-headed and rational. Whatever the circumstances, there is always a need for political courage to create space for peace and leave room for political settlement.

IV. What efforts has China made to resolve the Ukraine crisis? How will China play a more active role on the Ukraine issue?

Chinese Ambassador Guo Wei: China’s position is in line with the wishes of most countries including Seychelles. We stand for peace and oppose war. In Ukraine, China has made huge efforts to push for peace talks and the prevention of a humanitarian crisis. In a phone call with President Vladimir Putin on the second day of the conflict, President Xi Jinping expressed China’s desire to see Russia and Ukraine hold peace talks as early as possible and received a positive response. When virtually meeting with leaders of France and Germany and European Commission president, President Xi emphasised the need to jointly support peace talks between Russia and Ukraine. State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi expounded China’s five-point position to resolve Ukraine crisis and then laid out a four-point proposal and a six-point initiative that calls for making sure that humanitarian operations abide by the principles of neutrality and impartiality; gives full attention to the displaced persons in and from Ukraine; ensures the protection of civilians; provides for safe and smooth humanitarian aid activities; provides for the safety of foreign nationals in Ukraine; and supports the United Nations’ coordinating role in channeling humanitarian aid, as well as the work of the UN crisis coordinator for Ukraine. In recent days, Minister Wang Yi had phone calls with various parties including the European Union (EU), the US, Russia and Ukraine, building consensus on and promoting efforts for de-escalation of the situation and peace talks. The Chinese side has always maintained that only by strengthening the efforts of the international community to promote peace talks can space be explored for diplomatic mediation and settlement of the conflict.

China plays a constructive role on the Ukraine issue. We speak for justice and work for peace with a long-term vision. We support dialogue and negotiation, actively provide humanitarian assistance to Ukraine and other affected countries. The Red Cross Society of China has provided three batches of humanitarian supplies to Ukraine. On March 21, the Chinese government decided to provide an additional batch of humanitarian assistance of 10 million yuan’s worth of supplies to Ukraine.

China will continue to play a constructive role in helping de-escalate the situation in Ukraine and stands ready to contribute to overcoming the humanitarian crisis.

Source: Seychelles Nation