Day: September 17, 2024

Press Releases

11x obtient un financement de série A de 24 millions de dollars dirigé par Benchmark pour créer l’avenir du travail numérique

SAN FRANCISCO, 17 sept. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — 11x, une startup pionnière en matière d’IA transformant la main-d’œuvre moderne au moyen de travailleurs numériques autonomes, a annoncé aujourd’hui la clôture d’un tour de financement de série A de 24 millions de dollars. Le tour de table a été dirigé par Benchmark, avec la participation de Quiet Capital, SV […]

Press Releases

Avec le soutien de l’ONU, une lettre ouverte – dont les signataires incluent Gillian Anderson et Forest Whitaker – appelle les gouvernements à faire face à la crise alarmante des violences dont est victime un enfant sur deux dans le monde

LONDRES, 17 sept. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Des survivants, des experts et des défenseurs du monde entier entreprennent une action mondiale pour lutter contre le phénomène révoltant des violences à l’encontre des enfants. Ils ont publié aujourd’hui [17 septembre] une lettre ouverte exigeant une action urgente de la part des dirigeants mondiaux avant la toute première Conférence […]

Press Releases

UN-backed open letter – including signatories Gillian Anderson and Forest Whitaker – calls on governments to confront the alarming crisis of violence impacting 1 in 2 children worldwide

                                                                                In Our Hands LONDON, Sept. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Survivors, experts and advocates from […]


Nabdam farmers lament drop in prices of vegetables

Prices of vegetables at some major markets in the Nabdam District of the Upper East Region have witnessed significant drop within a period of one month.

A market survey conducted by the Ghana News Agency at the Zanlerigu, Pelungu, and Kongo markets …


Anglican House of Bishops Calls for immediate action against illegal mining in Ghana

The Anglican House of Bishops in Ghana has called for urgent action against the ongoing illegal mining activities (Galamsey) in Ghana ‘which are devastating the country’s environment and future’.

The Bishops, in a statement signed by the Most Rev Cy…


Youth urged to be proactive for Africa’s transformation

Dr. Joshua Oppong-Sarfo, the leader of the New African Concept, has urged the youth to be proactive and dedicated to creating a positive impact in society.

Dr. Oppong-Sarfo emphasised that knowledge, skill development, and character-building were es…


Paga Youth and Paramount chief initiate peace process ahead of election 2024

The Paga Youth Movement, a non-partisan group, in collaboration with the Paga Traditional Council in the Upper East Region, has initiated a peace process aimed at uniting political party supporters in the Chiana-Paga constituency ahead of the 2024 el…


Ghana Somubi Dwumadie close-out programme with a conference on successes

The Ghana Somubi Dwumadie (a Ghana Participation Programme), has held a closing-out conference, to celebrate its successes and deliberate on the way forward as the programme ends on September 30th, 2024.

The four-year programme which commenced in Ma…


Violent extremism: Be vigilant – NCCE urges Bawku residents

The National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) has urged the residents of Bawku and its environs in the Upper East Region to be vigilant to prevent the infiltration of activities of violent extremists.

Mr Daniel Baya Laar, the Bawku Municipal Di…


More strategies needed for Ghana’s fisheries resource management

Mr. Fred Antwi-Boadu, the Executive Director of the Fisheries Commission, has said that even though the commission has put in measures to manage Ghana’s fisheries resources, more needs to be done.

Mr. Antwi-Boadu indicated that the Fisheries Commiss…