Day: September 15, 2023


PWDs at Keta lament over cost of accessing limited registration centre

Some Persons with Disability (PWDs) in the Keta constituency of the Volta Region, have lamented over the financial cost involved in accessing the limited voter registration centre in the area.The exercise, in accordance with Article 45 of the 1992 Con…


NGO appeals for access to information on reproductive health

Mr Moses Liyobe Nanang, the Programme Manager of Mabia-Ghana, a Bolgatanga based Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), says information on adolescent sexual reproductive health is needed to solve adolescent challenges.He said such information would inf…


FAO-assisted assessment of food control system of Seychelles to be presented to government for action

After almost one year of assessing the food control system of Seychelles, a number of recommendations are now being finalised and will be presented to the government for necessary actions.The assessment was done by the Food and Agriculture Organisation…


Youth Educational Summit in Seychelles calls for greater youth participation in reforms

The youth will be placed in the driving seat when it comes to planning and implementing education reform initiatives is a resolution taken by delegates at a Youth Education Summit held in Seychelles on Friday.The summit, under the theme “Negotiating a …