Day: September 7, 2023


Ethiopia, Somalia Pledge to Further Strengthen Cooperation

The First Ethio-Somalia Joint Ministerial Commission (JMC) meeting was held today in Mogadishu, Somalia.

The session was preceded by the Senior Officials meeting, which took place from 5 to 6 September 2023, according to Ministry of Foreign Affairs…


Sacrifice of Defense Forces is Price Paid for Love of Motherland: Scholars

Apart from discharging their professional responsibilities, the sacrifices being made by the members of the defense forces as soldiers is a price they are paying for the love of their motherland, scholars remarked.

Scholars from various disciplines …


Norway Announces 25 Million USD in Funding to Support Ethiopia’s Forestry Endeavors

The Government of Norway has announced 25 million USD in funding to support Ethiopia’s ambitions, prolonging its decade-long forest partnership with the East African nation.

The Norwegian government announced the funding at the Africa Climate Summit…


PM Abiy Says Nation Managed to Increase Honey Productivity to Around 98 Thousand Tons Per Year

”Through our ‘Bounty of the Basket’ initiative launched last year, we have managed to increase honey productivity to around 98 thousand tons per year through modern methods,” Prime Minister Abiy twitted.

The premier further said our target for nex…


Nation Will Play Active Role in Upcoming 78th UN General Assembly, G-77+ China Summit, Says Foreign Affairs Spokesperson

Ethiopia is ready to play an active role in the upcoming 78th United Nations General Assembly and Summit of Heads of State and Government of the G-77+ China, Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Meles Alem said.

Briefing the media today, he stated that prep…


First Ethiopia-Somalia Joint Ministerial Commission Meeting Kicks off in Mogadishu

The first Ethiopia-Somalia Joint Ministerial Commission Meeting kicked off in Mogadishu today, according to Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Demeke Mekonnen is participating at Ethiopia-Somalia Mini…


Observing Sacrifices Paid by Our Patriot Forefathers, Mothers Essential on This Sacrifice Day: National Defense State Minister

Honoring and respecting our patriot forefathers and mothers for handing over to us an independent country, we need to observe the sacrifices they paid, Ethiopian Defense Force State Minister Martha Luiji said.

Speaking at the event organized by sec…


Ethiopia Upholds its Honor through Sanctifies of People, Security Forces: Former Army Members

Ethiopia was able to firmly ascertain its sovereignty, territorial integrity and honor through the relentless sanctifies paid by the people and members of the security forces, commanders of the former Ethiopian army underscored.

Ethiopians across t…


Present Generation Urged to Pay Sacrifices by Effectively Discharging National Responsibilities

Present generation should exert the utmost efforts to effectively discharge responsibilities in the national development endeavors of the country by drawing lessons from its forefathers, members of Ethiopian Patriots Association urged.

The six days …


Ethiopians Marking Sacrifice Day Under the Theme “Sustaining A Country through Sacrifices”

Ethiopians across the nation have been observing Sacrifice Day to under the theme “Sustaining a Country through Sacrifices.”

The six days of Pagumen, the 13th “month” of Ethiopian calendar are being marked at national level with various activities….