
12 students graduate from Fitir Hilton Academy

Twelve students who successfully completed a three-month training course in tourism hospitality from June 20, 2022, at the Fitir Hilton Academy, a new training facility located at the Hilton Labriz Silhouette Resort and Spa, graduated on Monday evening in a ceremony held at the Hilton Labriz Gastro Lounge, Bel Ombre.


It was the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Tourism, Sylvestre Radegonde, who presented the first cohort of eleven young females and one young male graduates with their certificate in the presence of the Minister for Education, Justin Valentin; the Minister for Employment and Social Affairs, Patricia Francourt; the principal secretary for Tourism, Sherin Francis; Hilton Seychelles area manager, Andre Borg and Hilton vice- president Operations of Africa and Indian Ocean, Jan Vanderputten.


Also present were representatives from the Seychelles Tourism Academy (STA), the department of Tourism, the department of Employment, parents, guardians and other invited guests, including the students for the 2nd cohort.


The graduates who followed the three-month courses in housekeeping and front office at the Fitir Hilton Academy were former STA graduates. They are now fully-fledged employees of Hilton-Seychelles.


During the ceremony, Marie-Eve Didon and Tia Savy – both 18 years old – were nominated as the two best overall outstanding students. As prizes for their achievements, they will attend three months internship training at the luxurious Walford Astoria Hotel in the Maldives.


It was Mr Vanderputten who presented them with their certificates and prizes.


Other best performers were Tania Samedi, Murella Valentin, Shamilla Tirant, Anisha Quatre and Velma Suzette.


Delivering a special message in his address, Minister Radegonde, who congratulated the graduates on their achievements and further welcomed them in the tourism industry, reiterated the importance of giving our best in the service that we provide as relying on our country’s beauty nowadays is not enough in the now more than ever competitive tourism industry if we want to compete with the best.


Minister Redegonde added that to preserve our tourism industry, which is our bread and butter, we should refrain from anti-social practices, such as thefts on tourists among others, which tarnish our country’s image.


He said he would like to see more Seychellois at management level and he called on the hotel industry to ensure that they are given the positions they deserve.


In his welcoming remarks, Mr Borg said that although they have met up with some obstacles to set up the academy, Hilton Company is happy that it has materialised and that the door is open for any Seychellois who has the goodwill to learn to become future hospitality professionals.


For his part, Mr Vanderputten said that the idea of introducing the academy in the country is for Hilton Company to give back and to play its role where it operates.


At the moment there are four chains of Hilton hotels operating in the country.


He noted that with the country’s enormous potential for tourism, the academy will help in grooming professional local talents to work in hotels, that are much in demand.


He added that Hilton Company is proud to be associated with the growth and success of our tourism industry.


He assured the young graduates that their future will be bright and successful with Hilton.


Both Ms Didon and Ms Savy said they were not expecting to be named best overall students but all the same there were happy to have been nominated.


They said the three months were not easy for them taking into account that they had to leave their families behind for the long period of time which were not in their habits. They added that they were happy that they were able to cope with the situation to which with the support of their colleagues and peers, they completed their three months with success. They call on their future fellow cohorts to carry on pushing in their chosen tourism careers as albeit not easy it has a lot of opportunities and rewards.


Julita Jeremie, country HR director, Hilton Seychelles, later said that the graduates have been enrolled with Hilton and that the 2nd cohort, to start on October 24, will focus more on food and beverage as compared to housekeeping and front office by the first cohort. He said that the students were chosen through career fairs hosted by the company and also with the support of STA and the department of Employment.


The other students who graduated were Marie Michel Hermitte, Shawn Moustache, Tashara Moustache, Helanie Pointe and Rannie Pouponneau.


The ceremony also saw song performances by popular artist Aaron Jean.




Source: Seychelles Nation